Digital Marketing Audit

The reality check you wish you had before you paid for that last disastrous campaign

Let’s face it…

…digital marketing is more complex than it’s ever been; new technologies, platforms and algorithms have added powerful changes to the marketplace, but at an increasingly-dizzying pace.

Where does this leave you?

For many C-level executives, directors, managers and business owners, the simple answer is “confused”, and unless you have an internal resource that you know and trust, your situation is unlikely to improve.

But what if you don’t have your own internal expert?

Learning to trust in any one agency can be tricky.  KESocial offers a low-cost, no nonsense, no B.S. approach to looking at your data and providing you with a reality check to determine whether or not your marketing expenditures are working for you or just sucking your budget dry.

Either way, our Digital Marketing Audits not only outline “the good, the bad and the ugly” of your current efforts, but they also provide you with actionable items that you may implement either through us or through your own internal resources.

Isn’t it time you learned the truth for yourself?

Audit Components

STEP 1: Data/Analytics review
STEP 2: Analyze, review and interpret
STEP 3: Actionable roadmap
STEP 4 (Optional): Implementation

After the Audit - Options for Continued Engagement

Upon completion of the audit, you have the following options to implement any or all of the proposed actionable items:

  1. Retain KESocial to
    • source, staff and manage the entire implementation
    • manage implementation using your own internal and/or external resources
    • work with one or more of your internal and/or external resources
  2. Utilize your own organization’s internal and/or external resources on your own, or
  3. Do not implement at this time.

Schedule Your Audit Today

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